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Terms & Conditions
Please take a few minutes to review our Terms & Conditions. Use of the Autolast websites constitutes your agreement to following


Autolast's web sites and web site services are provided to you subject to the following notices, terms, and conditions. In addition, when you use any Autolast web site or web site service (e.g., vehicle history, parts purchasing), you will be subject to the rules, guidelines, policies, terms, and conditions applicable to such service. By accessing and using any of the web sites owned or controlled by, Inc. or its subsidiaries or affiliates (the "Web Sites"), you agree to be legally bound by all of the terms and conditions of use. If you do not agree with any of the terms and conditions set forth herein, do not use any of Web Sites and do not place orders through any of Web Sites.

Privacy & Safety


All substance remembered for the Web Sites, like text, illustrations, logos, button symbols, pictures, sound bites, and programming, is the possessed or authorized property of, , or its partners (aggregately, "Autolast") or its substance providers and ensured by Ghana and global intellectual property laws. The assemblage (which means the assortment, game plan, and gathering) of all substance on the Web Sites is the selective property of Autolast and is secured by Ghana and global intellectual property laws just as by state and government exchange dress laws. All product utilized on the Web Sites is the property of Autolast or its product providers and secured by Ghana and global intellectual property laws. The substance and programming on the Web Sites might be utilized as a shopping and auto data asset. Some other use, including the proliferation, change, appropriation, transmission, republication, show, or execution, of the substance on the Web Sites is totally restricted. You may not duplicate, download, replicate, change, distribute, disseminate, send, move or make subsidiary works from the substance, nor any part thereof, without first acquiring composed consent from Autolast. Autolast neither warrants nor addresses that your utilization of the substance and materials showed on the Web Sites won't encroach freedoms of outsiders. 

Utilization of Site 

Neither the Web Sites nor any part of the Web Sites might be replicated, copied, duplicated, sold, exchanged, or in any case took advantage of for any business reason that isn't explicitly allowed via Autolast. Autolast maintains all authority to deny assistance, end accounts, as well as drop orders in its prudence, including, without limit, if Autolast accepts that client lead abuses pertinent law or is unsafe to the interests of Autolast. Any outlining of the substance of any of the Web Sites without the earlier composed consent of Autolast is completely precluded.

Security POLICY 

Last Modified: October 5, 2021 - Effective Date: October 5, 2021 

("Autolast", "us", "we", or "our") realizes that you care how your data is utilized and shared. As a feature of our obligation to client assistance, Autolast endeavors to cause you to have a sense of security and open to working with us. Here are a few rules Autolast observes in regards to our assortment and utilization of your data – including your Personal Information – and our endeavors to keep your Personal Information hidden. Autolast claims all authority to adjust this Privacy Statement whenever in our sole attentiveness. 

This Privacy Statement illuminates you concerning how we gather, use, secure, and unveil your data when you visit and shop at the Autolast by means of the Autolast at our Autolast retail locations across the Ghana ("Stores"), or when you utilize any of different administrations that we might make accessible to you (on the whole, "Administrations"). This Privacy Statement additionally advises you about specific decisions and privileges you have related with your data, and how you can deal with the security of your Personal Information. Kindly note that this Privacy Statement doesn't oversee the acts of outsiders, including our accomplices, outsider specialist co-ops, as well as publicists, in any event, when those administrations are marked as, or gave in the interest of, Autolast. Data gathered from you by others, for example, outsider sites that you access through joins on the Website, are administered by those elements' security strategies. Kindly read such outsider's protection strategies cautiously. 

The information assortment and use rehearses for the Autolast Websites are generally like how Autolast gathers client data when you visit the Apps or our Store areas. Notwithstanding, there might be a few contrasts between how the App gathers and uses your data, and how data is gathered and utilized by the Websites or in Stores. These distinctions will be recognized all through this arrangement. 

Data We Collect 

Autolast might gather specific individual data about you to give and work on our Services to you. The accompanying data depicts the classes of individual data Autolast might have gathered in the first a year and the classifications of sources from which that data might have been gathered. 

"Individual Information" signifies data about a specific individual or family that distinguishes, identifies with, portrays, is in all actuality equipped for being related with, could be sensibly connected with, or could be utilized to straightforwardly or by implication recognize that individual or family (or from those and other data either in our ownership or prone to come into our ownership). It might likewise incorporate other data that might be related with your Personal Information, like Generic Information (characterized underneath), area, inclinations or interests, if that data can be utilized to recognize you, your family, or your gadget. 

Business Information : Autolast , its Website, App, and Services are business-to-business administrations gave to our business clients to assist them with meeting their business needs. Thusly, a large part of the data that we gather from our Autolast Pro clients identify with their business, including their business' name, address, postal district, phone number, email address, monetary record data to work with exchanges with Autolast Pro, vehicle data, and other data identified with their business. Also, Autolast Pro might have to gather data identified with a singular's job inside the organization to satisfy a request or request with Autolast Pro, like the singular's name, title, area, phone number, email address, other contact data, data identified with an "Autolast Commercial" Account with the Website, and other data. We will likewise gather your email address and a secret word that you pick when you demand an "Autolast Commercial" account with the Websites. 

Individual Information: Autolast might gather the accompanying "Individual Information" about you when you utilize our Services: your name, address, postal district, phone number, email address, sex, age, date of birth, and data about your auto (like your Vehicle Identification Number ("VIN") and year). Autolast may likewise gather your Visa data and charging address when you furnish Autolast with such data, for example, when you purchase items in our Stores and on our Website; but your installment card data is passed safely to our installment card processor and isn't put away via Autolast. We will likewise gather your email address and a secret phrase that you pick when you make an individual " Account" with the Websites or "My Account" account inside the Apps. We may likewise gather area related data and data identified with your buy and item interest history. 

Nonexclusive Information: Generic Information might incorporate information that identifies with Website pages saw and visit span, App utilization, gadget data, your IP address data, your program or working framework data, or other data that identifies with your collaboration with our Websites or Apps. In certain circumstances, Generic Information might be utilized or consolidated such that it recognizes you, your organization, or your situation inside your organization. In those circumstances, such data will be dealt with like Business Information or Personal Information, as appropriate. 

Treats and Tracking Data: The Websites and Apps might utilize outsider items and administrations to accumulate mysterious traffic measurements utilizing treats and web reference points. A treat is a little snippet of data put away on your gadget that helps the Websites, Apps and numerous servers remember you. Autolast and its outsider specialist organizations may likewise utilize other following advances like pixels, or straightforward GIF documents, for application and site the executives and client following. 

A portion of the treats we use are "stringently vital" for the usefulness of our Websites and Apps. Others work on the usefulness of our Websites and Apps yet are not stringently important. A few treats assist with working on the exhibition of our Websites and Apps, (for example, by get-together logical information), while others assist with offering designated types of assistance to you (like promotions that you might be keen on). 

Instances of treats we use include

Meeting Cookies. We use Session Cookies to work our Services. Meeting treats are transitory and are naturally erased once you close your Internet program. 

Inclination Cookies. We use Preference Cookies to recollect your inclinations and different settings. Inclination treats are first party treats that stay on your PC or gadget until you erase them, or they are generally eliminated upon lapse. 

Outsider Cookies. Autolast allows outsider specialist organizations, publicists and different organizations to utilize treats or other comparable advances on our Website. These organizations might gather your data, track your conduct on our Website or Apps, and assemble data about your utilization of our Apps, Websites, and other web-based administrations after some time and across various administrations. Also, a few organizations might utilize data gathered to convey designated advertisements for the benefit of us or different organizations, remembering for other applications, sites, or online administrations. We are not answerable for the working of treats and different innovations utilized and put by outsiders on your gadget. 

Pixel Tags, Web Beacons, and Transparent GIFs. Pixel labels and web guides are minuscule realistic pictures put on application or site pages or in our messages that permit us to decide if you have played out a particular activity. At the point when you access these pages or open or snap an email, the pixel labels and web guides create a notification of that activity. These apparatuses permit us to quantify reaction to our correspondences and further develop our pages. 

Different Technologies. We gather a wide range of sorts of data from different advancements to work on the nature of our Website and the administrations we give. For instance, we might gather Usage Data and other data about the gadget you use to get to our Apps and Websites, your working framework or potentially cell phone type, program type, space, and other framework settings, just as the language your framework utilizes and the nation and time region where your gadget is found. We might record the IP address of the gadget you use to associate with the Internet. 

Your Cookie Choices 

With regards to how you need to utilize or permit treats to be utilized on your gadgets, you are controlling everything. You might set your program or alter your gadget settings to impede or decline all treats, to demonstrate when a treat is being sent, or in any case control what treats your program or cell phone acknowledges through your program or cell phone settings. Furthermore, you can decide to change your settings and erase those treats that are generally put away on your gadget. If it's not too much trouble, counsel the guidelines given by your program or cell phone producer to discover how you can handle the arrangement of as well as eliminate treats or different innovations. If it's not too much trouble, note, in any case, that restricting or handicapping the utilization of treats and different advances might affect or unfavorably influence your capacity to play out specific exchanges on, utilize specific elements of, and access specific substance on our Website. 

Autolast communicates non-actually recognizable Generic Information about application and site clients to outsiders to investigate cross-gadget commitment and designated promotions, remembering for different locales. To do this, Autolast utilizes web reference points related to treat da

Payment Methods

Payment Methods

- Credit / Debit Cards

- Offline Payments

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