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Detroit Electric

The Anderson Electric Car Company in Detroit, Michigan built the Detroit Electric, an electric vehicle. From 1907 through 1939, the business produced 13,000 electric vehicles.

Albert Lam, the former group CEO of the Lotus Engineering Group and executive director of Lotus Automobiles of England, resurrected the brand in 2008 in order to create contemporary all-electric cars for Detroit Electric Holding Ltd. of the Netherlands.

Detroit Electric

Since 1884, Anderson has been manufacturing carriages and buggies under the name Anderson Carriage Company (until 1911). The first rechargeable lead acid battery-powered electric car was put into production in 1907. From 1911 through 1916, an Edison nickel-iron battery could be purchased for an extra US$600. The claimed range of the vehicles' batteries was 80 miles (130 km), however in one test, a Detroit Electric traveled 211.3 miles (340.1 km) on a single charge. Top speed was just approximately 20 mph (32 km/h), but at the time, this was seen sufficient for driving inside city or town borders.

The exceedingly low speed of the few remaining privately owned specimens in working condition makes it impossible for them to obtain licenses in several countries today. Because modern car batteries are not designed for continuous output, engines today lose efficiency over time, making it necessary to use batteries that are less powerful or efficient than the original batteries. As a result, many vehicles today can only reach their advertised top speed when traveling downhill or in favorable wind conditions.

Cars that are in working order are only sometimes and briefly driven. Due to owners installing about 14 vehicle batteries and a balancing charger in place of the original, considerably lighter batteries, running automobiles now weigh more than they were intended to. Batteries for cars today must be replaced on a regular basis.

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